The Plant Based Treaty

We're taking a stand against the climate crisis, by endorsing the Plant Based Treaty. It is a campaign focusing on animal agriculture and our food systems as major contributors to the current climate crisis. By backing the campaign with your signature, they are asking cities and governments to implement plant-based initiatives, programs and subsidies. The Plant Based Treaty is designed to put food systems at the forefront of combating the climate, oceans, and biodiversity crisis. Your voice will help expand a growing movement calling for a halt to the widespread degradation of critical ecosystems caused by animal agriculture and to promote a shift to healthier, sustainable plant-based diets. Below are some tips from the Plant Based Treaty that you can implement to help support the campaign:
Endorse the Plant Based Treaty
Lower your carbon footprint
Try a plant-based or vegan lifestyle
Tell your friends and ask them to do the same!
Endorse the Plant Based Treaty.
Put up Plant Based Treaty Posters/window stickers on your business premises and have a PBT social media or store takeover.
Display a Plant Based Treaty badge on your website
Add a link to the Plant Based Treaty to your newsletter
Share social media posts to let your followers know you have endorsed the Plant Based Treaty and encourage them to endorse too
Products & services
Shift your products to plant-based
Host a plant-based Lunch and Learn at your business to help your staff understand the climate crisis and the positive actions they can take
Send an internal staff email so they can learn more about the Plant Based Treaty
Commit to ordering plant-based meals for meetings and conferences
Encourage employees and coworkers to eat plant-based at lunch
Transition your work canteen to plant-based and set meaningful goals and a timeline
Request a Plant Based Treaty online presentation for your workforce Suppliers
Ask your suppliers to provide plant-based options
Invite your suppliers to endorse the Plant Based Treaty
Community action
Promote and support climate marches in your local community and show up with a Plant Based Treaty placard
Organise an office tree planting event in the local community